A series of short, multi-lingual educational video clips (ConClips) provides easy access to passive house construction know-how for craftsmen and site supervisors by means of their mobile phone.
Eight Videos are now online:
The partners of this EU project jointly developed not only a video format, but a whole new media multi-purpose-tool. The videos and additional materials pinpoint the key Passive House construction issues and deliver on-the-spot solutions by specifying the execution details of the relevant Passive House construction elements.
The video clips are available in the languages of the project partners (Croatian, Danish, Flemish, French, German, Serbian) as well as in Polish and Turkish (with regard to a sizable group of migrants working in the constraction sector), and in English.
Period: December 2013 to June 2016
Project Partner: BAUAkademie Salzburg (A), Donau-Universität Krems (A), Ausbildungszentrum-Bau in Hamburg GmbH (D), Passiefhuis Platform vzw. (B), Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt (DK), CDR-BRC (B), Hrvatska Obrtnička Komora (HR), KHCA (GB), EUBuild (SRB)
The videos and materials can be used for presentations and in training sessions as well as via Smartphones: thus, they can also be applied directly in the work environment, on site, and enable workers to combine working and learning.

Project Co-financed by: European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme