B4C offers bundled information on how businesses can benefit while contributing to greenhouse gas reduction. Brochures on e-mobility, sustainable cooling, photovoltaics and storage systems, as well as energy efficiency measures are available as free downloads.
By illustrating many practical examples of Austrian firms of various sectors and sizes, business4climate hopes to raise awareness about these tested and well-proven technologies, and inspire other businesses to follow suit.
The initiative is supported by the Austrian Climate and Energy Funds.
Currently, four publications are available for download for free
(in German only).
Period: August 2020
Project Partner: Klima- und Energiefonds

> Electomobility and its Benefits for Businesses (pdf, German)
This edition provides essential information on the features and advantages of e-mobility. Practical examples show why a growing number of companies are opting for electric vehicles. For example, with their far more favourable operating and fuel costs, they are more economical over their lifespan than conventionally powered vehicles.

> Cooling with the Power of the Sun and with Waste Heat - an Option for Your Business? (pdf, German)
Well-developed technologies are presented that can be used to generate cold from solar energy. Side effects: Reduction of energy costs and independence from (fossil) energy sources. Examples of sustainable cooling systems and innovative financing options should motivate people to consider this option for their own business.

> Photovoltaic Systems and Power Storage Solutions for Businesses (pdf, German)
Using the power of the sun to generate electricity has proven very successful for companies. With electricity storage systems, companies can use their self-generated photovoltaic power even more efficiently and flexibly. Not only viable technical solutions are presented, but also subsidies and attractive financing models.

> Energy Efficiency for Businesses. Practical Measures, Advice, Subsidies, Cost Benefits (pdf, German)
The brochure bundles useful tips on essential questions and important links - including attractive subsidy offers as well as relevant professional trainings. Practical examples illustrate the many ways in which companies can save energy and besides gain financial benefits.